When it comes to saving important documents, PDF is one of the most popular format choices thanks to its ease of use, quality, and versatility. However, a lot of the time these documents can end up taking up too much space, whether it's because of its extension, high graphic content, or other elements like excessive notes or borders. That's where PDF Compressor comes in. It's a useful tool that lets you automatically shrink any PDF file.
PDF Compressor offers the option to completely customize the guidelines for the size reduction, allowing you to choose if you want to reduce size by eliminating images, notes, or borders, among other things, or what may be the most interesting option: reduce the quality of the images that appear in the document without reducing the resolution of the text. This step considerably optimizes file size particularly when it comes to PDF files containing unimportant images.
To use PDF Compressor, all you have to do is open the program, drag the document you want to optimize, and click 'compress.' In a matter of seconds, the process finishes and the document is ready to be used.
PDF Compressor is, without a doubt, an essential app if you have a large number of documents on your computer.
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